
I am always open to answering questions, feel free to email me.

Next post will be about how to use Facebook for outreach. Also enjoy the new format that makes sure that new posts will be centered around ministry and instructions will be available on separate pages.


Streamlining #1, making your Computer work for you!

A major reason I believe that people get frustrated with computers is the time it takes to do certain tasks. Checking email especially can be tedious if you have a school and personal account. Some people may have 5 accounts some may only use their PLTS account.

In addition there is always the problem that you may lose important data. Especially in the Dels, a random outage can ruin all your work if your not on a laptop.

Some may also be frustrated by remembering passwords, filling in personal information each and every time, or losing bookmarks each time your on a new computer.

Luckily there are solutions for all of these issues. However one has to remember that to make a Computer helpful, there is a bit of an initial time investment. However this leads to extraordinarily savings in over time. Computer literacy is not like normal literacy or hand writing thing. You don't get fast by doing it over and over. You get fast by learning shortcuts and workarounds. In this post I hope to help you achieve some speed and literacy.

Today we will deal with email forwarding

Gmail, simply the easiest.
I wont beat this to death but I need to say it. No one uses AOL, livemail, earthlink, yahoo, hotmail or worst of all or a cable providers email service.

For good reason. The reason is that Gmail is far superior in features and ease of use. It's also got the best spam filter in the world.

It integrates with all Google services, and many places simply let you use your Google account to sign up for their services.

However you probably don't want to switch emails or give up your old addressthat's okay you you don't have to.  So sign up for an account and read the following

Email Forwarding, Only check one account forever (Gmail/PLTS email), available in others.

  1. So we have logged into the account we want to set up forwarding from, i'm going to instruct using Gmail, with some critical thinking you can do this in any email client.
  2. Click the gear in the top right corner
  3. Press "Mail Settings"
  4. Select the "Forwarding and POP/IMAP" tab
  5. click "add a forwarding address" and enter your main email.
  6. follow the verification process.
  7. Select whether or not to move all the mail you have already to your linked account, or only send new things.
  8. select whether or not to keep copies in this inbox
  9. never ever have to look at 3 or 2 email accounts again

I only ever check one of my 4 Gmail accounts but I use all the addresses. I have my junk account, I have my personal, I have my school, and I have my easy to remember address. I still use these. However I do not log into them.

Don't worry about extra spam and junk. Gmail's filter is epic. If stuff does show up, then simply report spam.

Peace to you all.

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